- Hejian Xianwang 河间献王
- Hejian City Jufeng Thermal Insulation Material Co., Ltd. 河间市聚丰保温材料有限公司。
- Given by nomarch Hejian...Drill Unit Changsha city.... 省长何健赠。。。长沙市军事训练总队。。。。
- Meade instruments has been a proud partner of Jinghua and Hejian for 15 years. 米德器械很荣幸与晶华和赫建做了15年的合作伙伴。
- Han: Yi county Zhuo Jun, Yong-yuan two years (AD 90 years) the country was renamed Hejian. 东汉:易县属涿郡,永元二年(公元90年)改名河间国。
- Hejian stealthily built up capacity in China, and benefited from an overlapping customer base with UMC. 和舰科技在中国的产量悄然上升,并从UMC的客户群中获益。
- And HeJian will also focus to provide customers omnibus service to enhance great competitiveness on customers' products in market. 同时和舰还为客户提供全方位的服务,以及先进工艺的技术支持。
- With the first pcs of 200mm wafer Pilot Wafer Start on May, 2003, Hejian set 60000 pcs wafer out per month as the first fab's capacity. 公司于2003年5月正式投产8吋晶圆,第一座制造厂最大月产量可达6万片。
- Surnamed Yin in the developing gradually in Tianshui, River, a prominent families Songyang three places, the WHO said in Tianshui looking Hejian Wang, Song Yang Wang. 尹姓在发 展中逐步在天水,河间,嵩阳三个地方形成望族,世称天水望,河间望,嵩阳望。
- Since ancient times, Hejian City has been the place for the impartment and research of “Book of Songs”, and it has also been the birthplace for the culture of Book of Songs. 河间自古就是诗经文化的传授研究之邦,更是诗经文化的发祥地。
- During the ten years of the Earth Re volution (1927 - 1937) , Hunan was mainly under the high ? pressure, fascism ? feadal rule of the warlord: Hejian . 土地革命十年,湖南主要处于封建军阀何键的高压统治之下。
- South the Hejian Tianjin the quartz glass instrument plant is one specialized is engaged in the glassware for the leading product research and development, the production and the sales entity factory. 河间市津南兴达石英玻璃仪器厂是一家专业从事玻璃仪器、水烟袋、玻璃工艺品为主导产品研发,生产和销售的实体厂家。
- As a matter of fact, we, Meade instrument has gotten to know Hejian so well that we bought a company because of his relationship with Bresser.In Germany, we bought an ad company some years ago. 事实上,米德器械公司由于和赫建的深刻交情,让我们在前些年在德国收购了一家广告公司就因为他和布赖瑟公司的关系。
- Research on the Development Stratagem of Wire and Cable Industry of Hejian 河间市线缆产业发展战略研究
- On the Academic Relationship between Hejian and the Central in the Han Dynasty 论河间学术与汉代中央学术的关系
- Author Chen Deben Li Gaoquan Fu Hejian Tan Jian (Department of Chemistry); 作者陈德本;李高全;傅鹤鉴;谭健;
- Author Li Gaapuan;Chen Deben Sun Nanjian;Fu Hejian(Dept of Chetnistry . Sichuan Union University 610064 ); 作者李高全;陈德本;孙难见;付鹤鉴;
- In May 2005, a court in HEJIAN (790,000) gave two policemen 2-year sentences for torturing a suspect. Pray for an end to police torture. Lk. 3:14 河间(790,000人)。2005年5月,两名警察因拷打一嫌犯被本市一法院判刑两年。愿警察不再严刑逼供。路3:14