- Heishui Dudufu 黑水都督府
- Ba Xianzhuo-Hill, Heishui He, Taiwan, Lei Muk Shue,洋楼, Taipinggou, Changzhou village. 八仙桌子山、黑水河、梨木台、洋楼、太平沟、常州村等.
- People in Heishui Country are very good at dancing.They usually sing and dance at the ceremonies,festival,weddings and funerals. 黑水人民自古以来能歌善无,每逢喜庆节日、婚丧嫁娶、迎客送客、收种放牧之时,都要唱歌跳舞。其舞蹈主要有铠甲舞、藏族锅庄、歌曲以山歌、情歌为主。
- Conclusion:Long time over dose drinking and unsanitary drinking method are insidious factors to influence the health of Heishui residents. 长期过量饮酒和不洁的饮酒方式是影响黑水县居民健康的潜在危险因素。
- On the farmland of Heishui River basin, which was distributed in dry valley, evapotranspiration was much higher than precipitation. 两个流域草地水量平衡对景观格局的响应模式与有林地基本一致;
- First introduces its geographical position: The Kalong ditch scenicarea is located with in the boundaries of the Heishui County Kalong town, average elevation 3,544 meters. 先介绍一下它的地理位置:卡龙沟景区位于黑水县卡龙镇境内,平均海拔3544米。
- The present paper considers the West Qinling orogenic bait as a tectonic unit of the yangtze land and regards recently discovered Heishui fault as its southern boundary. 提出西秦岭造山带以新发现的黑水断裂为南界,并将它归属古扬子大陆的组成部分。
- Conclusion:The behavior factors are the important for morbidity of two weeks in the habitant of Heishui county,especially drinking alcohol,harmful dietetic habits. 结论:影响黑水县居民两周患病的因素中行为因素占有重要的位置,尤其是饮酒和饮食习惯的作用较为突出。这些因素多数是可变的,从而为进一步的干预提供了可能。
- This article makes studies on the reasons, conditions, giving birth to the phenomena, and relations between the Dudufu of Tang Dynasty at Xizhou and the Xizhou government acording to the many excaveted literatures and chronicles. 本文指出 ,西州都督府实际上与州政府合署办公 ,并根据大量出土文献和传世文献对此作了充分论证 ,对这种现象产生的原因、条件 ,以及西州与安西都护府的关系、合署办公与一般都督府的关系等问题也进行了研究
- Luhua gully is a branch of middle reaches of Heishui River in Minjiang River system, a great number of debris flows result in serious damage and threat in Luhua Town of Heishui County. 芦花沟是岷江水系黑水河中游右岸一级支流,历史上曾多次暴发泥石流,对黑水县城芦花镇造成了严重的危害和威胁。
- On the Date of Shazhou Upgraded from Zhou to Dudufu in Tang Dynasty 关于唐代沙州升为都督府的时间问题
- Epidemic status of kala-azar in Heishui county, Sichuan 四川省黑水县黑热病流行现状调查
- Current situation of endemicity and control program of leishmaniasis in Heishui County, Sichuan 四川省黑水县黑热病流行与防治现状
- Comparison of runoff coefficient of watersheds with different landscape structure in Heishui River basin of Minjiang River upper reach 岷江上游黑水河流域不同景观结构小流域径流系数的比较
- Shiwei Dudufu 室韦都督府
- a small number lives with the Tibetan, Han and Hui ethnic groups in the Wenchan, Li, Songpan, Heishui counties and Danba area in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. 博物馆共有三层,每层有四个楼梯,以红、黄、蓝、绿四种颜色区分,非常醒目,为观众提供了便利的参观条件。
- Heishui area 黑水地区
- Heishui City Documents 黑水城文献
- Heishui County 黑水县
- Heishui Gully 金沙江