- Ethnic Germans in the city caused trouble with the help of Heinrich Himmler. 但泽的德意志人在海因利希希姆莱的支持下不断制造骚乱。
- But in 1937 the chimney-sweep law was revised by Heinrich Himmler, then the acting[2] interior minister. 不过到了1937年,时任德国内政部代理部长的海因里希?希姆莱(德国纳粹头子)对烟囱清洁法进行了修订。
- That very evening several hundred miles away Heinrich Himmler was meeting with Count Bernadette in the Swedish consulate at Luebeek on the Baltic. 就在当天晚上,几百英里之外,希姆莱到波罗的海边吕贝克的瑞典领事馆内会见伯纳多特伯爵。
- In the conquered countries of Western Europe, Hitler and his SS supremo, Heinrich Himmler, were keen to recruit non-German Aryans to their cause. 在被占领的西欧各国,老希和他的党卫军领导人海因利希希姆莱为他们的事业开始招募非德裔的雅利安人。
- Hitler stated: "The war is to be a war of annihilation".His henchman Heinrich Himmler declared: "All Poles will disappear from the world. 上述四大原因,如果孤立地看其中任何一个原因,都很难构成对犹太人的灭绝性仇杀。
- Before my death, I expel the former Reichsfuehrer of the S.S. and the Minister of Interior Heinrich Himmler from the party and from all his state offices. 在我去世以前,我将前党卫队全国总队长兼内政部长海因里希 - 希姆莱开除出党,撤销他在政府内的一切职务。
- When he was 11 and already designated Dalai Lama, he was befriended by Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi Party member and officer of Heinrich Himmler's feared SS. 达赖在11岁被确立为达赖喇嘛,当时他与亨利希。哈尔这样一个纳粹党徒和党卫队军官交上了朋友。与好莱坞电影中由布拉德。
- On New Year's Day Hitler threw eight German divisions into an attack in the Saar and followed it with a thrust from the bridgehead on the Upper Rhine by an army under the command of--to the German generals this was a bad joke--Heinrich Himmler. 元旦那天,希特勒以八个师的兵力攻打萨尔区,继之以海因里希 - 希姆莱率领的一个集团军从莱因河上游的桥头堡发动进攻。 在德国将领们看来,让希姆莱带兵简直是开玩笑。
- Like his Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, and his rival for the succession, Heinrich Himmler, he had succeeded at the last hour in choosing the way in which he would depart this earth, on which he, like the other two, had made such a murderous impact. 他同他的元首阿道夫 - 希特勒和争夺继承权的对手希姆莱一样,在最后时刻也成功地选择了离开人间的道路; 他也同他们两人一样,曾为这人间带来那样深重的灾难。
- That very evening several hundred miles away Heinrich Himmler was meeting with Count Bernadette in the Swedish consulate at Luebeek on the baltic 就在当天晚上,几百英里之外,希姆莱到波罗的海边吕贝克的瑞典领事馆内会见伯纳多特伯爵。
- Heinrich Himmler 海因利希·希姆莱
- De Bary, Heinrich Anton (1831-88) German botanist. 德国植物学家。
- There were three Himmler brothers: Gebhard, Heinrich and Ernst, the author's grandfather. 希姆莱共有兄弟三人:格伯哈特、海因里希和恩斯特,后者是该书作者的祖父。
- Himmler was made police chief in Munich. 希姆莱成为了慕尼黑的警察局长。
- Heinrich Hertz produces radio waves. 海因里希。赫兹制造出无线电波。
- Lockemann (and) Heinrich C.Mayr. 作者声明: (by) Peter C.
- Nebst beitragen von Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer. 作者声明: Von Jacob Levy.
- Good to see you, Mr. Heinrich, I'm Doctor Hyde. 如果真的有当年不败的实力,就拿下给我们看吧!
- DeHaan [and] Heinrich Ursprung, editors. 题名其余部分: Robert L.
- Himmler has been very gracious about the stalled dam. 希姆勒对那道窝工的坝表现出非常通情达理的态度。