- Hedychium flavumn. 黄姜花
- Hedychium coronarium Koen is a perennial herbaceous plant in Zingiberaceae. 姜花(Hedychium coronarium Koen)为姜科姜花属的多年生草本植物,在我国南部地区常见栽培。
- Preliminary Study on the Distribution Pattern and Ecological Adaptability of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mlazz. 六盘山区伏毛铁棒锤的分布格局与生态适应特性的初步研究。
- Cervical and High Thoracic Ligamentum Flavum Frequently Fails to Fuse in the Midline Lirk P, et al. 颈和高胸位黄韧带常不能在中线融合。
- An experimental study on prevention of epidural scar adhesion by the use of canopied ligament flavum and hyaluronan. 棚式黄韧带加玻璃酸钠预防硬膜外瘢痕粘连的实验研究。
- Objective:To investigate the pathogenesis of the degenerative changes of the ligamentum flavum. 目的:探讨黄韧带退变的发生机理。
- Objective To study clinical characteristics of re-operation cases of ossification of thoracic ligament flavum (OLF). 目的初步探讨胸椎黄韧带骨化(OLF)症再次手术的临床特点。
- Regenerated plantlets were obtained in embryogenic cell suspension culture from embryogenic callus of stem slice in Hedychium coccineum Buch-Ham. 以红姜茎尖薄片胚性愈伤组织为材料建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,并获得了再生植株。
- Objective: To investigate the diagnosis and the surgical method of ossification of ligamentum flavum (OLF) in the thoracic spine. 摘要目的:探讨胸椎黄韧带骨化症(OLF)的诊断与手术治疗方法。
- Both Phragmites australis and Hedychium gardneranum were grown in a constructed wetland in order to study removal capability of nitrogen and phosphorus from livestock wastewater. 选取芦苇和人工湿地处理中未见应用报道的姜花,通过人工模拟湿地,采用畜禽养殖废水处理二级工艺出水进行处理,研究它们在处理过程中的脱氮除磷效果。
- Objective To discuss the factor which influence the ligamentum flavum preservation in microendoscopic lumbar diskectomy. 目的探讨影响后路显微内窥镜下腰椎间盘切除术术中保留腰椎黄韧带的因素。
- Hedychium coronarium Koenig is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to zingiberaceae. it is mainly cultivated in Guangdong, Taiwan, Yunnan and Jiangsu. 姜花(Hedychium coronarium Koenig)为姜科姜花属多年生草本植物,单子叶,因其花似蝴蝶,故又名蝴蝶花、蝴蝶姜。
- It is also possible that the nidus of the osteochondral loose body was a completely detached portion of calcified ligamentum flavum. 骨软骨游离体的病灶很可能是一段完全分离的黄韧带。
- Objective To investgate the etiopathology and pathogenesis of degeneration of ligamentun flavum(DLF), which is related to the fluorosis. 目的探讨引起黄韧带退变的病因和机理,研究慢性氟中毒与黄韧带退变的关系。
- Objective To study the dignosis and surgical treatment of ossification of the ligamentum flavum (OLF) in thoracic spine. 目的研究胸椎黄韧带骨化症(OLF)的诊断与手术治疗。方法采用回顾性研究方法对手术治疗的胸椎OLF病例进行分析总结。
- The results indicated that the extracts from Aconitum flavum had strong botanic pesticide activities against Aceria macrodonis. 结果表明,伏毛铁棒锤的乙醇、三氯甲烷和石油醚提取物对枸杞瘿螨具有较强的触杀和内吸毒杀活性;
- Objective To provide a better treatment method of lumbar stenosis and root pain resulting from simple hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum. 目的探讨单纯黄韧带肥厚致腰椎管狭窄及根性疼痛的临床表现。
- COL6A1 Polymorphisms Associated With Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament. 伴有黄韧带骨化和后纵韧带骨化的COL6A1多态性.
- Conclusion:Different interventions for flavum ligament can obviously affect the variances of epidural fibrosis that CT films manifested. 结论:对黄韧带的不同干预方式能够明显影响术后CT表现出来的椎管内瘢痕粘连的程度差异。
- Morphological and anatomical structure of vegetative organ of Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz. in Liupanshan area were studied. 对六盘山区伏毛铁棒锤营养器官的形态、解制结构进行了观察和分析。