- Hearth back to Camp Mojache. 炉石回摩哈杜营地。
- The huntersbrought their kill back to camp. 猎人把猎物带回营地。
- They had to leg it back to camp. 他们不得不走回营地。
- The defeated army trailed back to camp. 那只打了败仗的部队拖着沉重的步子垂头丧气地返回了营地。
- The defeated army trailed back to camp . 那只打了败仗的部队拖着沉重的步子垂头丧气地返回了营地。
- Then hearth back to BB, if hearth stone still is on a cooldown, die on purpose. 然后炉石回藏宝海湾,如果炉石时间没到就自杀吧。
- Hearth back to Freewind Post. 炉石回到乱风岗。
- To the Moab Brewery for an early dinner, then back to camp where Don and Laurie got packed up. 到莫阿布啤酒厂早日晚餐,然后回到营地唐和劳丽了收拾。
- We headed back to camp for a group meeting of the WRT riders (and more gift drawings). 我们返回营地的一组会议WRT骑手(多礼物图纸)。
- They came back to camp wonderfully refreshed, glad-hearted, and ravenous; and they soon had the campfire blazing up again. 他们玩得兴致淋漓地回到他们露营的地方,心里非常欢喜,肚子也饿得很想吃东西了,不久他们就把营火又弄得旺盛起来。
- He he he... so when I was going out of my home to come back to camp, my mom told me, "Your father will become sulky".Aigo... 呵呵呵...当我离家归队时,妈妈告诉我:“爸爸会不高兴的。”
- Oh, if Tony were going, I wanna go to camp, too! 哦!假使Tony要去训练营的话,我也要去。
- The elephants look up and watch as your boat turns away and you head back to camp at the end of another day on safari in Africa. 象群抬头注视着你的船离开,非洲探险之旅非同寻常的一天结束的时候,你掉转船头向宿营地划去。
- We have to go back to camp now. 我们现在该回营去了。
- It will be presuming to camp in a person's yard without permission. 不获允许就在别人的院子里露营是一种放肆的行为。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- The talks have been put back to Friday morning. 谈判推迟到星期五早上进行。
- The crowd fell back to let the ambulance through. 人群往后退,让救护车通过。
- I run back to my room and retrieve my bag. 我奔回房间取回自己的提包。
- Our seats on the train were back to back. 我们在火车上的坐位是背靠背的。