- What are the latest CODEX developments on the use of health claims on foods? 什么是食品法典委员会的最新发展,对使用的保健声称对食品?
- The line between food and medicine will become increasingly blurred, and the health claims more imaginative. 食品和药品之间的界线将变得越来越模糊,而断言其有益于健康,则将变得越来越近乎想象。
- Sec. 101.81 Health claims: Soluble fiber from certain foods and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). 低饱和脂肪和低胆固醇而且还有来自某些食物的可溶性纤维与冠状动脉心脏病风险的关系。
- Different products may contain ginseng, but government rules limit health claims that marketers can made . 不同的产品可能含有高丽参,不过政府的法例限制市场商人可以制造的健康宣言。
- Health claims on the labels of junk foods distract consumers from their caloric content. 在垃圾食物上标示健康宣称,就会让消费者分心,而忽略了热量多寡。
- When it comes to health claims Arens says "it's highly unlikely that you will eat these oils in amounts that will make any difference. 说到健康宣传,阿伦斯说,“你将吃的这些油的数量不可能有任何区别。”
- In general, WG must be the first ingredient and foods must qualify for the FDA whole grain health claim. 只有特定谷粒产品具认证资格;米饭、大麦、小麦片或燕麦片中不可加糖、盐,但允许加油;早餐谷类物类可加糖及铁质。
- He also wanted to explain why so many health claims that look important when they are first made are not substantiated in later studies. 他还希望借此说明为什么诸多健康主张乍看很有说服力,再看却显缺实。
- They are concerned that some of these health claims may be misleading or unsupported by evidence, and are tightening the rules. 他们担心部分健康宣传具有误导性,缺乏有效证明,因此正在加强有关规定。
- As a result, in 2008 the American Heart Association recommended that the FDA rescind the health claim. 因此,2008年美国心脏协会建议美国食品及药物管理局撤销该健康声明。
- Without basic knowledge of the equipment and knowing how to use it, it is impossible for the health claims examiner or the medical biller to do their jobs properly. 没有对设备的基础知识以及不知道如和使用它,健康理赔审查人或者医疗做账人不可能正确地完成他们的工作。
- Defferent prada make vantage of Different products may contain ginseng, but government rules limit help clean health claims that markets marketers can latemake. 不同的制品可能包括人参,政府规定限制健康声称,市场能制作。
- The Health Claims Examiner/Medical Biller Program provides students with classroom instruction and practical experience in a medical or insurance facility. The prog... 卫生索赔主任/医疗比勒计划提供了课堂教学和实践经验的学生医疗或保险设施。该计划提供所需的知识和准确地报告,...
- The article introduced the evidence-based concept,process and procedure of PASSCLAIM,and provided evidence and references for substantiation of health claims in China. 为给我国食物健康声称的循证过程提供依据和参考,介绍PASSCLAIM中的循证概念、过程和要点。
- No matter whom I speak to, I hear pleas for help in dealing with supermarkets, considered by shoppers as “ground zero” for distinguishing health claims from scientific advice. 我常遇到人们请求我告诉他们如何面对超级市场,对消费者来说,那里是分辨健康宣称与科学建议的归零地。
- Many in the industry are howling that these rules are heavy-handed, given that most of their products are perfectly safe and that some health claims go back decades or more. 业内企业呼声四起,他们抗议这些新规定过于严厉,因为他们的大部分产品是绝对安全的,有些健康声明已经有几十年前或更久。
- So nutrition and health claim in the nutrition lable must accord to Criteria for the Scientific Substantiation of Health Claims to ensure the labeling and claim being scientific and trustworthy. 因此,营养标签更加受到人们的关注,这就要求营养健康声称必须严格采用科学、可靠的声称方法,以保证消费者的健康和合法利益。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。