- A scorner of love, he was unmoved by the many heartbroken girls who loved him. 他不屑谈情说爱,看见很多为他心碎的女郎都无动于中。
- He was overcome by their entreaties. 他屈从了他们的请求。
- He was irritated by their perpetual complaints. 他们一再发牢骚把他惹火了。
- He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended. 他受到他们嘲笑恼羞成怒,说了一些过头的话。
- He pretended to be impressed by their new car but he was only acting a part. 他装出喜欢他们的新车,但那只不过是他装腔作势而已。
- Women: know, of course, but he was unmoved. 妇女:当然知道,可是他对此无动于衷。
- He was outraged by their behavior. 他们的行为使他感到愤慨。
- Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。
- He was stung (ie deeply upset) by their insults. 他因受到他们的侮辱而非常气愤.
- He was stung by their criticism. 他们的批评使他心烦意乱。
- He was in no way affected by their misery. 他们的惨状一点也没打动他的心。
- He was quite put out by their interruptions. 他们的插嘴使他生气。
- He was ruffled up by their behaviour . 他们的行为使他发怒了。
- He was baffled by their lack of enthusiam. 他对他们缺少激情的状态感到很迷惑。
- As Tony approached his buddies, he was bewildered by their dumbfounded stares. 当托尼跑向他的伙伴时,他们目瞪口呆的神情让托尼很是迷惑。
- He was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 他受到他们热情欢迎,十分感动。
- Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman. 不知为什麽这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。
- He was led astray by a hooligan. 他被一个流氓引上了邪路。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- He was a dishonor to his regiment. 他是那个团的耻辱。