- He spoke above our heads. 他讲得太深,我们听不懂。
- A bright electric bulb glowed above our heads. 通亮的灯泡在我们头上闪闪发光。
- An airplane flew above our heads. 一架飞机飞过我们头上。
- Seabirds flocked above our heads. 海鸟成群地从我们头上飞过。
- The plane was right above our heads. 飞机正好在我们头上面.
- We could hear mice pattering about in the attic above our heads. 我们能听到老鼠在头顶上的阁楼上窜来窜去。
- The moors are around us and the stars are above our heads. 我们的四周出现了荒芜的高原沼地,头顶上亮着星星。
- The enemy's planes circled round and round above our heads. 敌机在我们上方不住地盘旋。
- The moors are round us and the stars are above our heads. 这些人的言谈像一面面镜子,反映出他们的性格特征。
- Elsie Leung and Regina Ip conspire to place a knife above our heads. 梁爱诗和叶刘淑怡,要把一把刀放在港人头上。
- The point he spoke of will be attended to. 他所说的要点将被注意。
- While the sun shines above our heads, everything is bright and happy, we are sitting sadly down, and losing time. 太阳照在我们头上,到处都是光明和幸福,我们却愁眉苦脸地坐下来消耗时间。
- He spoke for the best part of an hour. 他讲话用了大半个钟头
- Later, when she opened the gate for us and saw the Light above our heads, she knew that her dream had come true. 后来,当她为我们开门的时候,她看见我们俩人头上都有光,才印证了那个梦。
- He spoke feelingly about his dismissal. 他激动地谈到自己被解雇一事。
- A sandstorm was blowing in from the Negev desert, setting the wind chime singing mournfully above our heads. 来自内盖夫沙漠的沙尘暴呼啸而至,吹得头顶的风铃悲鸣不已。
- He spoke his lines utterly dead pan. 他毫无表情地背台词。
- He spoke in reference to the cowboys. 他谈了有关牛仔的事。
- We follow, holding our shoes and equipments( a hatchet, a burlap sack) above our heads. 我们跟随着,把鞋和装备(一把斧子、一条麻布袋)举过头顶。
- He spoke never so much as a word. 他甚至连一句话也没说。