- He is an admiral in the US Navy. 他是美国海军上将。
- He is an enemy in the likeness of a friend. 他是个伪装成朋友的敌人。
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- He is a staff officer in the army. 他在部队里任参谋。
- He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要员。
- He is an officer famous for his skill and dash. 他是一个以干练与干劲闻名的军官。
- He is an official in the Ministry of Defense. 他是国防部的官员。
- He is an amiable fellow, assured of his place in the world and certain that, given enough time and effort, others can simply pull themselves up by their bootstraps. 他和善可亲,自信他在世界上占有一席之地,并确信,假以时日及努力,别人根本也可以靠自己的力量成功。
- He is an officer who ought to see people of all sorts. 他是一个应该接触各色各样人的官员。
- He is an accomplice with his friend in the crime. 他是该罪中他朋友的帮凶。
- He is an expert in the field of medicine. 他是医学方面的专家。
- He is an influence for good in the town. 他是这个城里能影响他人行善的人。
- He is an active participant in the civil rights movement. 他是人权运动的积极参加者。
- He is answerable to the police commissioner for the conduct of the officer in his force. 他需要向警察局长就他警力中警官的行为进行解释。
- He is always the early bird to come to the office in the morning. 他总在早上最早来到办公室。
- He is an outstanding scholar in the field of linguistics. 他是语言学领域的一名杰出学者。
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- He is an important man in the corporation. We all obey him. 他是集团公司的高层权要,我们都得听他的。
- He is killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood. 他正当盛年时在一次事故中丧生。
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。