- He wriggled his toes . 他扭动脚趾。
- He wriggled his toes. 他扭动脚趾。
- He wriggled his way up the plumbing. 他沿水落管扭动着向上爬去。
- He wriggled his way through the thick hedge. 醉汉东倒西歪地沿街行走。
- He wriggled his body but his ribs no longer had any feeling.His body ached all over. 他蠕动著身体,肋骨已经失去了知觉,全身更是疼痛不已。
- He lost all feeling in his toes. 他的脚趾完全失去了知觉。
- He was on his toes waiting for the news of his lost child. 他坐立不安地等待他失踪的孩子的消息。
- He wriggled uncomfortably on the hard chair. 他在硬椅子上不舒服地扭来扭去。
- He wriggled his way into favor. 他逢迎有术得了好处
- He is in a bad temper this morning; take care not to step on his toes. 他今天上午心情不好,当心一点,不要触犯他。
- His leg muscle tense and he rises on his toes. 他的腿部肌肉收紧,脚趾发力。
- He wriggled through the thick hedge. 他穿过浓密的树篱蜿蜒而行。
- He turned his toes out like Chaplin. 他像卓别林那样把脚尖向外撇。
- It's a bit rough on him, losing his toe. 他的脚趾断了,真有点不幸。
- He removed his shoes and wiggled his toes. 他脱掉鞋子,扭动着脚趾。
- He wriggled through the thick hedge . 他穿过浓密的树篱蜿蜒而行。
- He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair. 他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体。
- He wiggled his toes while stroking. 他边蹬车子边活动着脚趾。
- He cursed the man who stepped on his toes. 他诅咒那个踏了他脚趾的人。
- He was in a difficult situation;but be finally wriggled his way out. 他处境困难,但是,他最后设法摆脱了困境。