- Although he was ill, he worked hard. 他虽然生病,但仍努力工作。
- The reason for his success is not far to seek he worked hard. 他成功的原因不难找,那就是他勤奋工作。
- He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil. 他辛勤耕作,为使瘠薄的土地上长出好庄稼。
- He worked hard to improve the sanitary conditions of the slums. 他努力改进贫民窟的卫生条件。
- He worked hard and was soon promoted. 他工作努力,很快就获得提升。
- He works hard and keeps regular hours. 他工作努力,生活很有规律。
- He worked hard so as to end the task with success. 他努力干,终于胜利地完成了任务。
- He worked hard to get back in the teacher's favour. 他努力工作以重新博得老师的好感。
- He is tired because he worked hard all day today. 他所以疲倦是因为他今天整天辛勤工作。
- He worked hard at first,but he has eased up lately. 他最初努力工作,但他近来已放松。
- He worked hard in emulation of his brother. 他努力赶超哥哥。
- He worked hard and with great skill. 他工作卖力,技术高超。
- He worked hard all his life in behalf of the poor. 他毕生为穷苦人的利益而努力不懈。
- He worked hard all his life on behalf of the poor. 他一生为穷人努力工作。
- He worked hard and brought home the bacon. 他努力地工作,挣钱养家。
- He worked hard in the beginning. 他起初很卖力工作。
- He worked hard in the hope of being promoted. 他卖力工作,指望得到提升。
- He worked hard to be qualified for the job. 他努力工作以胜任这项工作。
- He worked hard to earn his bread and butter. 他努力工作以维持生计。
- He worked hard to pay back his debt. 为了偿还他的贷款,他努力工作。