- He wondered where he was. 他不知道自己在哪。
- He wondered where the sun went at night and why the sky was blue. 人想知道在夜晚太阳去了哪里以及为什么天空是蓝色的.
- It would ease my mind to know where he was. 要知道他在哪儿我就放心了。
- Since then I had wondered where he lived. 从那时起,我一直在想他住在哪。
- Mrs.Brown always sighed sorrowfully whenever she spoke of her son.She always worried about whether he could support himself and wondered where he was living.One day Mrs. 布朗老太太提起儿子,总是无可奈何地叹气,不但操心他有没有钱生活,还往往不知现在他人在哪里。
- He just dug out, without saying where he was going. 他只是匆匆忙忙走了,没说要去哪里。
- "I wonder where he went," said Mr. Kernan. “我真想知道他上哪儿去了,”克南先生说。
- It is obvious that this is a racing/homing pigeon, because he had a blue leg band on his left leg and a green band on his right leg.I wonder where he was from? 显然它是一只参赛信鸽,它左脚上有一只蓝色脚环,右脚上有只绿的,不知其来自何处?
- I wonder where he get that kind of money? 我惊讶什么地方他得到那种类的钱吗?
- I was merely wondering where he lives. 我只是想知道他住在哪里。
- Being snow-blind, he had to stop where he was. 因为雪盲,他不得不就地停下。
- The police can't establish where he was at the time. 警方无法确定当时他在哪里。
- In his dreamy state, he wondered whether he was in America or in a German camp. 他在迷糊之中, 搞不清自己是在美国还是在德国集中营。
- He decided to visit a friend who lived very near where he was at that moment. 他决定去拜访一位朋友,那位朋友离当时他住的地方很近。
- Everyone is ready to play hide-and-seek. Do you wonder where he is hiding? 每个人都准备好玩捉迷藏。你想知道他藏在那里?
- Could you recollect where he was born? 你还记得他在何地出生的吗?
- Amos used to push in where he was not wanted. 艾莫斯经常不招自来,到处乱闯。
- Sadr, who rarely issues statements, acknowledged that his followers were wondering where he was and that his absence "could be a reason for depressing them. 一向很少发表声明的萨德尔承认他的跟随者们正在猜测他在哪里,而且他的缺席“可能是让他们感到沮丧的一个原因。”
- I am merely wondering where he lives. 我只是想知道他住在哪里。
- When he was a boy, he often saw apples falling to the ground. He wondered why they did not fly up into the sky. 在他小的时候经常看到苹果从树上掉到地上,他奇怪,为什么苹果不飞向天空呢?