- He winner scored 10 pts. 胜者获得10分.
- The winner scored 10 pts. 胜者获得10分.
- Hmm...10 pts in about 7 minutes for the scrubs. Maybe thats why these guys don't get any minutes...just maybe... 恩。。。替补在7分中内只拿了10分。也许这就是因为这些家伙在常规时间不能上场的原因吧
- Maggette scored 10 points off the bench in the first half, helping the Clippers close to within 51-48 at the break. 在下场休息之前得到了10分,帮助快艇在休息的时候把比分缩小到了51-48。
- Mehmet Okur and Ronnie Brewer scored 10 apiece as all five Utah starters scored in double figures. 奥库和布鲁尔各得10分,爵士先发队员全部得分上双。
- After the vote and expert appraisals, scored 10 for viruses before District 2003 annual "Best Area Manager. 经过市民投票和专家评议,得分前10名的为徐汇区2003年度“十佳小区经理”。
- The Jamaican was the ultimate champion Michael.Vlatko win, he scored 10 seconds is 05. 最终的冠军被牙买加人迈克尔.;弗拉特夺得,他的成绩是10秒05。
- Migraine with aura also independently predicted a high suicidal risk (score 10) (adjusted OR = 6.0, p = 0.028). 有先兆的偏头痛是高自杀倾向的独立危险因素。
- Although the final Yao Ming scored 10 points, 9 rebounds, but the Grizzlies for the reconstruction, the results do not necessarily ideal. 尽管最后姚明拿下10分,9个篮板球,不过对于重建的灰熊,这个成绩必然是不理想的。
- Bryant also had five rebounds and nine assists. Pau Gasol had 19 points and seven rebounds, and Vujacic and Vladimir Radmanovic scored 10 points apiece for the Lakers. 科比还贡献出5个篮板和8次助攻。加索尔也有19分和7个篮板入账,此外沙沙和拉德马诺维奇各得10分。
- And Thai-ming across the street, another store owner Mr. decorating breath scored 10 tire brands proxy, such as Michelin, Pirelli, Bridgestone, Germany MA license Dunlop. 与铭泰一街之隔的另一家装潢店老板杜先生一口气拿下了10个轮胎品牌代理权,如米其林、倍耐力、普利司通、德国马牌、邓禄普。
- There are many parts to this formula, but the one to focus on is Enrico Chiesa who has already scored 10 times this season, the same number as our very own Andriy Shevchenko. 这个方程式中还有许多重要的部分,但需要高度关注的则是本赛季已攻入10球的恩里科.;锡耶纳,他的进球数和我们的安德烈
- Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition. 当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。
- He scored 26 runs, all in boundaries. 他得了26分,都是打边线球获得的。
- He was definitely onside when he scored that goal. 他射门得分时,显然并未越位。
- Since it is the last game,they'll change ends when one player scores 10 points. 因为是最后一局比赛,如果一方得了10 分,他们就要交换场地。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。