- He is so honest that he will not accept bribe. 他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。
- He will not accept help nor yet advice. 他不仅不接帮助,连忠告也不听。
- It's possible that he will not accept the invitation. 他有可能不接受邀请。
- I dare say that he will not accept our gift. 他大概不会接受我们的礼物。
- He will not accept defeat. 他不会认输。
- I offer him some money,but he will not accept it. 我给了他一些钱,但是他不愿接受。
- He is so honest that he will not accept a bribe. 他是这样诚实,不至于收受贿赂的。
- I offer him some money, but he will not accept it. 我给了他一些钱,但是他不愿接受。
- It is possible that he will not accept the invitation. 他有可能不接受邀请。
- In all probability, he will not accept the position without knowing the exact terms. 不知道具体条件,他多半是不会接受这个职位的。
- In the letter, Mr. Castro says he will not seek and will not accept the post of president and commander-in-chief. 古巴国营电视台宣读了卡斯特罗致古巴人民的一封信。他在信中说他的身体状况使他不能胜任国务委员会主席的职务。
- Equatorial Guinea's main opposition candidate has said he will not accept the result of Sunday's election because polls were not free and fair. 赤道几内亚主要反对党候选人称。他不会接受星期天的选举结果,因为投票是非自由、非公平的。
- He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。
- It has slowly dawned upon us that he will not help. 我们慢慢认识到他是不会帮助我们的。
- He avers he will not attend the meeting. 他断言不会参加那个会议。
- No matter how hard he may try, he will not succeed. 不管他怎么努力去干都不会成功的。
- He will not come again after you told him the news. 在你把这个消息告诉他后,他不会再来了。
- He will not draw back from what he has promised. 他允诺过的事是不会收回去的。
- President Barak Obama says he will not accept the future of job losses for the United Sates on a day when the unemployment rate hit a 25-year high. 总统巴拉克奥巴马说,虽然今天美国失业率已达25年新高,但他无法接受美国工作机会越来越少的可能性。
- It's my devout hope that he will not come back. 我衷心希望他不会回来。