- He wears a gold watch. 他戴了一块金表。
- On one wrist he wears a chunky gold bangle, on the other a chunky gold watch. 沃纳的大镜框金丝边眼镜让他看起来很有学究气,两只手腕上一边是沉甸甸的金镯子,一边是沉甸甸的金表。
- He wore a gold watch. 他戴一只金表。
- He wore a gold chain round his neck. 他戴着一条金链子。还可以是颜色,比如说
- He wears a beautifully tailored suit. 他穿了一套定做的漂亮西装。
- He was given a gold watch on his retirement. 他退休时得到了一块金表。
- He wears a black patch over his right eye. 他右眼上戴著黑色的眼罩。
- He won a gold watch off a businessman. 他从一个商人手里赢得了一块金表。
- He wears a pair of spectacles with gold rims. 他戴一副金丝边眼镜。
- We'll present a gold watch to Smith. 我们将赠送给史密斯一块金表。
- He presented me with a gold watch. 他送给我一块金表。
- He wears a bowler to go to his office. 他上班总是戴着一顶黑色硬礼帽。
- My grandfather left me a gold watch in his will, but then he always had a soft spot for me. 我祖父在遗嘱中将一只金表遗赠给我,他总是特别喜爱我。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- He wore a mask so that no one should recognize him. 他戴了一个面罩,使别人认不出他来。
- He wears a stainless white shirt today. 他今天穿着一件洁白无污的衬衫。
- She wears a gold chain around her neck. 她脖子上戴着一条金项链。
- We will present a gold watch to Smith. 我们将赠送给史密斯一块金表。
- He wears a broad grin,display twin stump of teeth. 他咧嘴笑著,露出一对残牙。
- He wore a profusion of ribbons on his garment, and gold lace on his hat, which was also encircled by a gold chain, and surmounted with a feather. 他的衣服上佩戴着备色奢华的缎带,帽子上缠着一圈金色丝绦,还缀着一根金链,上面插着一根羽毛。