- He was well set up with reading matter. 他获得了充分的阅读材料。
- My friend sent word that he was well. 我朋友捎来口信说他很好。
- He was well punished for his blasphemy against learning. 他因亵渎学问受到了应有的惩罚。
- He was well screened before he took the job . 他是经过仔细考查后才弄到这份工作的。
- He was well stirred up now;cheerful, even gleeful. "这时他激动起来,神采奕奕,兴高采烈。
- He was well aware of the problem. 他很清楚这个问题。
- He was well dressed that morning. 那天早晨他打扮得很整齐。
- He was well screened before he took the job. 他是经过仔细考查后才弄到这份工作的。
- Mother nursed Bob until he was well again. 妈妈护理着鲍勃直到他恢复健康为止。
- He was well known for his adherence to the rules. 他因遵循这些规定而出名。
- He was well treated by his uncle. 他受到他叔父的亲切关怀。
- He was well suited to take this position. 他非常适合做这个职位。
- He be well know as a slow payer . 他是出名的债务拖欠者.
- Before he was well aware of it, McTeague had concluded the bargain. 麦克梯格还没把事情弄清楚,就订了合同。
- Until he was well over 70 my grandma always had her morning dip. 我奶奶一直到七十好几还总是每天早晨都洗个澡。
- He was better than me in the last contest. 上次比赛他赛过我了。
- The substance of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates. 他演说的主要内容就是:他比其他候选人更好。
- By the time we arrived at the party,he was well away. 我们来参加宴会的时候,他已经有些醉了。
- He was a good neighbor and be well respected for honoring his word. 他和邻里的关系处得很好,由于说话算话而很受人尊敬。
- He was mounted on a black horse. 他骑着一匹黑色的马。