- Short and stocky, he was liable to be upended pretty fast. 他长得矮而墩,几乎一碰即倒。
- His hair was gray and he was short and fat. 他头发灰白,长得又矮又胖。
- He was short and thin, with, however, a pair of gleaming, penetrating eyes. 他矮而且瘦,可是目光炯炯有神。
- He was short and tubby and amiable with an odd little toothbrush moustache. 他矮矮胖胖,和蔼可亲,留了一嘴怪模怪样的牙刷式的小胡子。
- He was short and tubby and amiable with an odd little toothbrush moustache . 他矮矮胖胖,和蔼可亲,留了一嘴怪模怪样的牙刷式的小胡子。
- He was short with me this morning. 他今天早上对我无礼。
- After all that running, he was short of breath. 那样跑了一阵之後,他气喘吁吁了。
- He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. 要不是他那时候没有钱,他会帮助我们的。
- He was wearing khaki shorts and a sports-shirt. 他穿着卡其短裤和运动衫。
- He was short, squat; as one Don put it, he looked like a thief. 他长得又矮又胖,正如另一个老头子所说的那样,他贼眉贼眼的,看上去像个小偷。
- He could have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. 要不是当时没钱,他早就出手帮助我们了。
- He was short of money and rebelling against social and academic standards. 他手头拮据并反对当时的社会和学术准则。
- He would have helped me but that he was short of money at that time. 要不是他那时候没钱,他会帮助我的。
- He would have helped us but that he was short of money at that time. 要不是他当时没有钱,他就帮助我们了。
- He was short of breath by the time he had climbed half-way up the mountain. 爬到半山腰,他累得直发喘。
- He was run in for drunk and disorderly behaviour. 他因酗酒滋事而被拘留。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- He was very active and rode down several horses. 他劲头很大,一连骑了好几匹马。
- He was busy leveling the ground and laying turves. 他正忙于平整土地铺草皮。
- He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome. 他是瘦长脸,一点也不漂亮。