- He was scared out of his mind, giving his first public performance. 他第一次公开演出时吓得要死。
- He was scared out of his mind when he made his first speech. 当他做第一次演讲的时候,被吓得魂不附体。
- He was frightened out of his wits. 他吓呆了。
- He was almost frightened out of his wits. 他被吓得失去理智了。
- He was scared out of the roller coaster ride. 他被吓得不敢坐过山车。
- He was almost driven out of his mind with anxiety. 他焦急得差不多精神都错乱了。
- He was hounded out of his job by jealous rivals. 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。
- He was out of his element at the ball. 他在舞会上感到格格不入。
- When the explosion took place, he was bereft of his wits. 爆炸发生时,他吓得魂不附体。
- He was grown out of the bad habits of his boyhood days. 他已长大戒掉儿时的坏习惯了。
- Leon was out of work and broke, and he was at the end of his rope. 利昂失了业,身无分文,已是山穷水尽了。
- When the explosion took place,he was bereft of his wits. 爆炸发生时,他吓得魂不附体。
- He was tricked out of his pay check. 他的薪金给骗走了。
- He was cheated out of his money. 他的钱被人骗走了。
- He was out of his mind with grief. 他伤心得精神错乱了。
- The boy nearly drowned,he was out of his depth. 那男孩险些被淹死,水深已没过他的头顶。
- He was grown out of the bad habits of his boyhood. 他已长大戒掉儿时的坏习惯了。
- He was in and out of jail for most of his life. 他大半生的时间都是监狱的常客。
- He was tricked out of his money. 他的钱被人骗去了。
- For once he was wrenched out of his wonted calm. 这一次,他陡然失去了惯常的宁静态度。