- That autumn he was placed in command of a regiment. 那年秋天他被任命为团长。
- He was placed in command of the Second Army . 他被任命指挥第二军团。
- He was placed in charge of trade union work. 他被分配担任工会工作。
- He was placed in command of the regiment. 他被任命为团长。
- He was placed in command of the fleet. 他被任命为舰队司令。
- He was placed in command of the Second Army. 他被任命指挥第二军团。
- He was placed in a boarding school. 他被安置在一所寄宿学校里。
- He was placed in difficult circumstances. 他身处难以应付的环境。
- He was placed in charge of the department. 他受命主管这个部门。
- When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt. 他的父母去世以後,他就交由姑妈照管。
- When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his uncle. 当他父母亲去世之后,他被交由叔父监护。
- And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt. 他们把他的遗体用香料包殓好,他的灵柩就停放在埃及。
- He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator. 他被安排在新华通讯社当翻译。
- He was sick for a weekduring that week he was placed in an infirmary. 他病了一个星期,在星期里,他住在护养院。
- He was sick for a week and during that week he was placed in an infirmary. 他病了一个星期,在这个星期里,他住在护养院。
- On the night of a boy's thirteenth birthday, he was placed in a dense forest to spend the entire night alone. 在男孩十三岁生日的那夜,他会被放在茂密的森林里,在那里单独呆上一整夜。
- Accordingly he was sentenced to remain in confinement for a considerable time. 因此,他被判决监禁一段相当长的时间。
- He was placed fifth in last Saturday's race. 在上周六的径赛中,他名列第五。
- He wasn't placed in the first three in the race. 在比赛中他没有进入前3名。
- He was searched and placed in cuffs by the police. 他被警察搜到,铐上了手铐。