- He was not ashamed of his lowly origins. 他并不以自己出身低微为耻。
- He was not ashamed ofhis lowly origins. 他并不以自己出身低微为耻。
- He flew high though he was of humble origin. 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。
- This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will. 这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。
- He was of an optimistic cast of mind. 他生性乐观。
- He was of no use at all in the business. 他在业务上一点用场也没有。
- He was of noble birth and high rank. 他出身于高贵门庭。
- He was of a mercurial temperament and therefore unpredictable. 他是个反复无常的人,因此对他的行为无法预言。
- I would be of little assistance in the kind of work he was doing. 对他正在做的那种工作我几乎帮不上忙。
- He was born of plebeian origins. 他出身平民。
- Proudhon is a rarity among anarchist philosophers in that he was of quite humble peasant origins. 尊敬的先生:我昨天接到您的信,您在信中要我对蒲鲁东作一个详细的评价。由于时间不够,不能满足您的愿望。
- He was a gentle, lowly, and unassuming man. 他是个温和、谦卑、不摆架子的人。
- The poor man killed himself while he was of unsound mind. 那可怜人在神志不清时自杀了。
- He was of that smart world that she admired so much. 他是她所十分羡慕的那种时髦社会里的人。
- He was destined to plod the path of toil. 他注定要在艰辛的道路上跋涉。
- Tom whooped until he was hoarse, but it was of no use. 汤姆直喊得嗓子都哑了也无济于事。
- He was dismayed at his lack of understanding. 他对自已的无知感到沮丧。
- He was of the Tribe of Judah and his wife was a prophetess. 他是犹太部族的后裔,他的妻子是位女先知。
- Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman. 不知为什麽这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。