- He was sentenced to be guilty of heresy. 他被判犯有异端罪。
- He was sentenced to be guilty of intrusion upon my privacy. 他因侵犯我的隐私权被判有罪。
- He was guilty of assault and battery. 他犯了殴打罪。
- He was guilty of a crime and taken into prison. 他有罪,被捕入狱了。
- He was guilty of vanity, of several meannesses. 他有虚荣心,干过好几桩卑劣的事。
- He was sentenced to be guilty of intrusion upon my privacy . 他因侵犯我的隐私权被判有罪。
- Eyewitness provides an evidence that he was guilty of the crime. 小翻译:目击证人提供证据;他是有罪的.
- He was accused and found to be guilty of all the charges brought against him. 他被起诉,并且被判犯有被指控的所有罪行。
- He was found guilty of obstruction. 他被判阻挡犯规。
- He was found guilty of molesting a young girl. 他被判猥亵少女罪。
- On the basis of the evidence we deduced that he was guilty. 根据这些证据,我们推论他是有罪的。
- It was apparent to all that he was guilty. 众所周知,他是有罪的。
- From the outset it was clear that he was guilty. 一开始就很清楚: 他有罪。
- Further investigation revealed that he was guilty. 进一步侦查显示他是有罪的。
- The eyewitness's testimony proved he was guilty. 目击者的证词证明他有罪。
- The man categorically denied that he was guilty. 这人断然否认他有罪。
- He was found guilty of embezzlement. 他被判盗用公款罪.
- He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判严重玩忽职守.
- She felt in her gut that he was guilty. 她从心底知道他是有罪的
- He had the full realization that he was guilty. 他充分认识到他是有罪的。