- He was found guilty of obstruction. 他被判阻挡犯规。
- He was found guilty and sentenced to condemnation. 他被发现有罪,并且被定了罪。
- He was found guilty of molesting a young girl. 他被判猥亵少女罪。
- He was found guilty on several counts. 他被发现犯有数种罪行。
- He was found guilty and committed to prison. 他被定了罪,给送进监狱。
- He was found guilty and condemned to be shot. 他被判有罪,处以枪决。
- He was found guilty on two counts. 他被判定有两条罪状。
- He was found guilty of embezzlement. 他被判盗用公款罪.
- He was found guilty on three counts. 他被判定三条罪状。
- He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判严重玩忽职守.
- The criminal was soon flung into prison when he was found guilty. 那名罪犯一旦定罪便立即投进了监狱。
- The criminal was thrown into prison as soon as he was found guilty. 罪犯一经发现有罪就被投进了牢房。
- He was found guilty of embezzling $150000 of public funds. 他被判犯有盗用15万元公款罪。
- The criminal was flung into prison as soon as he was found guilty. 一旦被判定有罪,罪犯立即被入了监狱。
- He was found guilty of corruption for approving unsafe drugs. 他被发现收受贿赂滥用职权审批不安全药物。
- He was found guilty of the murder of fellow pupil Luke Walmsley. 他被裁定谋杀同学沃姆斯利罪名成立。
- He was given a summary execution after he was found guilty. 他被判有罪后,立即执行了死刑。
- If he be found guilty, John shall have the right of appeal. 如果约翰被证明有罪,他会有上诉的权利的。
- He was found guilty by the court-martial and sentenced to imprisonment. 军事法庭判他有罪并判他坐牢.
- The singer is not well-known. He was found guilty of being a drug pedlar. 那个被判贩毒罪的歌手不很出名。