- The judge told the murderer that he was a monster. 法官对凶手说他是一个穷凶极恶的人。
- Nobody is discounting what Yao did today...he was a monster. 姚明今天的表现,没有人能打折扣,他是个怪物。
- He was possessed with a monster. 他被一个怪物缠上了。
- He was fond of drawing when he was a child. 他还是个孩子时就喜欢画画。
- He was a reformist, every bit of him. 他是一个彻头彻尾的改良主义者。
- He was a fellow clerk of mine, and a hard case. 他是我的同事,一个不可救药的人。
- He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. 他是最早使用X光的人。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- He was a dishonor to his regiment. 他是那个团的耻辱。
- He was a writer of the first rank. 他是个一流作家。
- He was a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game. 他上当受骗了。
- He was a despot with a heart of granite. 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。
- He was a shrimp of a boy, about six years old. 他是个六岁左右的小家伙。
- He was a guard of gigantic strength. 他是个具有巨人般力气的卫士。
- He was a gentleman of the old school. 他是位老派的绅士。
- He was a new upstart and a gentleman of the first head. 他是个暴发户,是个新封的贵族。
- He was a child of the Renaissance. 他是文艺复兴时期的产物。
- He was variously described as a doctor and a monster. 他被一些人说成是大夫,又被另一些人描述为怪物。
- He was a very able businessman in his day. 当年,他是一位很有才干的实业家。
- He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。