- He was a great singer once but now he's had his day. 他曾是个红歌星,但现在风华已去。
- He was a statesman with a great mind. 他是一个胸怀开阔的政治家。
- He was a great leader that bestrode two centuries. 他是跨越两个世纪的伟大领袖。
- He was a great brawny brute of a man. 他是个魁梧壮实、冷酷无情的人。
- He was a great hand by his way of it. 照他自己的说法,他从前是这方面的能手。
- He was a great success as an actor. 他的演员生涯是非常成功的。
- He was a great mind and an immense heart. 他具有伟大的头脑和浩瀚无际的心胸。
- He was a great and historical personage. 他是一位伟大的历史人物。
- In his heyday, he was a great footballer. 他年轻力壮时,是一位了不起的足球运动员。
- He was a great singer but now he's had his day. 他曾是个红歌星,但现在风华已去。
- He was born to be a great composer. 他是个天生的伟大作曲家。
- He was a great entertainer but going insane. 虽然他还是那样善于逗趣,但他的神经显然越来越不正常了。
- He was a great sleeper, and fond of his bed. 他很能睡,也很爱睡。
- In his heyday, he was a great tennis player. 他年轻力壮时, 是一位了不起的网球运动员。
- All in all, he was a great master of knowledge. 总之,他是一位大学问家。
- He was sure there was a great future ahead of me. 他确信我前程远大。
- He was sure there was a great future ahead of us. 他相信我们有远大前途。
- He could have been a great man, but he was corrupted by power. 他本来是可以有很大作为的,但因权欲熏心而堕落了。
- He was a great deal interested in music. 他对音乐非常感兴趣。
- When he was young he wanted to be a great musician. 他小的时候就想成为一名伟大的音乐家。