- He turned and waved. 他转过身来挥挥手。
- All night long he turned and tossed in bed. 整整一夜他在床上翻来覆去地睡不着。
- He turned and I slapped him right upside the head. 他转过身来,我对着他的头部侧面就是一掌。
- He turned and began to walk toward Madison Square. 他转身走向麦迪逊广
- He turned and fled with Peter hot on his heels. 他转身逃跑,彼得穷追不舍。
- He turned and made for the door. 他转身向门口走去。
- And then he turned and saw the girl. 于是他转过身来,看到了那姑娘。
- He turned and walked out of the room. 他转身走出屋去。
- So saying, he turned and left the room. 说罢,它转身离开了。
- He turned and beckoned to Little John. 他转身对小约翰招手。
- He turned and darted through the casino. 他转身冲出了赌场。
- Without a word of reply he turned and bounded away. 他没有回答,转身蹦蹦跳跳地离开了。
- He turned and curled the ball around the goalkeeper. 他转身把球一盘,绕过了守门员。
- He turned and hurriedly made his way to Jill Temple's suite. 他转过身来,急匆匆地朝吉尔·坦普尔的套间跑去。
- He turned and opened the door to the hospital and limped in. 他转身打开通向医院的门,一瘸一拐地走了进去。
- Halfway to the door,he turns and comes back. 跑到一半,他又转身回来。
- He turned and cowered behind a rock. He then peered forward. 转身缩在山岩之后,向前望去。
- He turns and walks out of the house. 他转身从这个家里走出去。
- He was lightly afoot again, turned and waved his cap in a bravado, and was out of sight next moment in the margin of the wood. 接着他又轻巧地站了起来,转过身子,示威似的挥着帽子,一下子就在森林的边缘上消失了。
- Halfway to the door, he turns and comes back. 跑到一半,他又转身回来。