- He trumped with a heart. 他打出了一张红心王牌。
- He was a despot with a heart of granite. 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。
- He is a man with a heart of gold. 他是一位心地非常善良的人。
- He trumped my ace with a heart. 他打出一张红心王牌,吃了我的A。
- He was a despot with a heart of granite . 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。
- Jane was down with a heart attack and was immediately sent to hospital. 简心脏病发作昏倒了,被立即送到了医院。
- I will do anything for you with a heart and a half. 我乐意为您做任何事情。
- Nancy Dyce is a rich woman with a heart of gold. 南希·戴斯是个乐善好施的富有女人。
- She sent me a birthday card with a heart on it. 她送一张有心形图案的生日卡给我。
- To trump with a higher trump card than any played on the same trick. 用更大的王牌胜过对方方同一墩牌中,用更大的王牌赢任何已出的王牌
- His shoulder was tattooed with a heart. 他的肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。
- Tom was ill with a heart attack. 汤姆患了心脏病。
- Send the furthest end of the night with a heart. 把心送往夜的尽头。
- He took my ace with a low trump. 他用一张小的王牌吃了我的A牌。
- She is a rich woman with a heart of gold. 她是一位富有且心地善良的女人。
- A heart is comparable with a pump. 心脏类似水泵。
- Affection is rich, have sympathize with a heart! 情感丰富,具有同情心!
- I marked the day on the calendar with a heart. 我用心型在日历上标出了这一天。
- Roosevelt was a good man, with a heart. 罗斯福是一个好人,富有爱心。
- Nancy Dyce is a rich woman with a heart of gold . 南希戴斯是个乐善好施的富有女人。