- He talks rubbish. 他废话连篇。
- He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 他只是鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧罢了。
- He talks big but doesn't actually do anything. 他光吹牛,什麽实际的事都不干。
- He talks well, but his writing isn't up to much. 他很会谈话,但写作不怎么样。
- He talks well, but his writing is not up to much. 他谈吐很好,但文笔不行。
- She would rather sleep than talk rubbish. 她宁愿睡不愿闲聊。
- I thought he talked a lot of rubbish. 我觉得他谈的都是些废话。
- He talks big about his pitching, but he hasn't won a game. 他吹嘘自己的投球本领很高,但他并未赢过一场球。
- He talk so much that no one else can get a word in edgeways. 他讲得滔滔不绝,别人都无法插嘴。
- The boss gets too corny when he talks to the workers. 老板每次跟员工说话都是陈腔滥调。
- He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew. 他跟我们谈了一小时的话就走了。
- I think you are talking rubbish. 我觉得你说的都是废话。
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。
- He does talk rubbish. 他确实是胡说八道。
- They are liable to knock him off if he talks. 要是他讲出来,他们很可能谋杀他。
- He didn't know whereof he talked about. 他不知道自己说了些什么。
- Don't talk rubbish! 别胡说八道!
- He talked about his coming trip to Hainan. 他谈到他不久要作的海南岛之行。
- He talked at you at the meeting. 他在会上不点名地批评你。
- He talked me into lending him money. 他说服我借给他钱。