- He smiles ruefully at the irony. 他有些沮丧地微微笑,有点讽刺的意味。
- He smiled frostily and deliberately turned away. 他冷冷地笑了笑便故意转身走了。
- He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race. 他赢得赛跑后满意地笑了。
- He smiled to see the children's frolics. 他看到孩子们嬉戏而微笑。
- He smiled hopefully in their direction. 他朝著他们的方向满怀希望地微笑著。
- When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth. 他笑时露出了一口漂亮的白牙。
- He smiled at the manifest absurdity. 他对这明显的谬论付之一笑。
- He smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car. 他开着那辆豪华的新车驶过时,傲慢的微微一笑。
- He smiled ruefully 他凄苦地笑了笑。
- He smiled to see the children so happy. 看到孩子们这样幸福,他笑了。
- He smiled, and shouldered the gun. 他微微一笑,把枪挂在肩上。
- He smiled at me and held out his hand. 他对我笑了笑,伸过手来。
- He smiled to think what a fool he had been . 一想到他曾那么傻,他就感到可笑。
- He smiled inside at the precision of his planning. 他内心都在为他那周密的计划而欢笑。
- He smiled appreciation of the remarks. 他笑了笑,表示欣赏这些话。
- He smiled as artless as a child of 5. 他笑得像个5岁的孩子那样天真烂漫。
- He smiled away her embarrassment. 他以微笑解除了她的窘态。
- She smiled at him, and he smiled back. 她向他微笑,他也向她微笑。
- He smiled to cover his nervousness. 他笑着掩饰自己的紧张情绪。
- He smiled to her and she returned the smile. 他向她微微一笑,她亦微笑回应。