- He shaved off his mustache. 他刮掉了胡子。
- His father shaved off his mustache. 他的父亲剃了小胡子。
- clean off the dirt; he shaved off his mustache. 扫除掉污垢;他刮掉了胡子。
- Himmler -- it must have galled him--had shaved off his mustache, tied a black patch over his left eye and donned an Army private's uniform. 希姆莱剃去了胡子(这一定使他很不高兴),左眼上贴着一块黑眼罩,换上了陆军士兵制服。
- Shaved off his mustache. 刮掉了他的胡子
- He shaved the mustache off his upper lip. 他将上嘴唇部位的胡子刮乾净。
- He shaved off his moustache. 他剃掉了胡须。
- He shaved off his beard. 他剃掉了胡须。
- Shaved off his moustache again, by Jove! 哎哟,他又刮了口髭!
- His father shaved off his moustache. 他的父亲剃了小胡子。
- John shaved off his beard with an electric razor. 约翰以电动刮胡刀刮去胡子。
- Charles decided to shave off his beard. 查尔斯决定刮掉胡子。
- Then, while convalescing at a country hotel with his wife, he decided to shave, taking off his beard one day and his mustache the next. 后来,同妻子一起在一家乡间旅店休养时,他决定不再留胡子。于是,他头一天剃掉了大胡子,第二天又刮掉了小胡子。
- David Lloyd George shaved off his moustache when in Canada in 1899. 大卫劳埃德乔治1899年在加拿大时剃掉了胡须。
- Shaved off his mustache 刮掉了他的胡子
- He shaved his face with a razor. 他用剃刀刮脸。
- During that time he was ordered by those criminals to shave off his beard to change his appearance. 那时,那帮罪犯命令他把胡子剃掉来改变他的外貌。
- To fulfill a vow, he shaved his beard off in Paris. 为了满足愿望,他在巴黎剃了胡子。
- Father finally shaved his mustache . 爸爸终于把胡子刮了。
- SEOUL (AFP) - A court in South Korea ruled Thursday in favour of a policeman who was suspended for refusing to shave off his moustache. 首尔(法新社)-韩国一家法院周四判定因为拒绝剃胡子而被停职的警员胜诉。