- He scoffs at religion. 他嘲笑宗教。
- You are not supposed to scoff at religion . 你不该嘲弄宗教。
- You are not supposed to scoff at religion. 你不该嘲弄宗教。
- Though He scoffs at the scoffers, Yet He gives grace to the afflicted. 箴3:34他讥诮那好讥诮的人、赐恩给谦卑的人。
- Indeed, he scoffs at those who talk about his loss there as if it came in an early round rather than the semifinals. 实际上,他对于那些以“似乎在前几轮就输了比赛而不是半决赛输掉比赛”的论调感到好笑和不削。
- He scoffed at our amateurish attempts. 他对我们不在行的尝试嗤之以鼻。
- He scoffed at our amameurish attempts. 他对我们不在行的尝试嗤之以鼻。
- Many denizens of the Land of Mists scoff at religion, believing that the deities have long since ceased to care about mortal concerns. 很多迷雾之地的居民嘲笑宗教信仰,他们相信神祗已经很久不对凡俗之事感兴趣了。
- How strong is your faith?Many denizens of the Land of Mists scoff at religion, believing that the deities have long since ceased to care about mortal concerns. 很多迷雾之地的居民嘲笑宗教信仰,他们相信神祗已经很久不对凡俗之事感兴趣了。
- He had many elegancies of his own, whilst he scoffed at conventional elegance. 他本人便具备很多优雅,尽管他在讥笑常规的优雅。
- On the other hand, Charlie Zhang's business booms with support from the Japanese and he scoffs at Tianbao and Jincheng when they approach him for a business collaboration. 战后百业萧条,黄元撒手不理,金成和天宝父子又是无能之辈,不知从何下手。查理张靠着日本人的势力,垄断所有生意。天宝拉了金成上门拜会,没想到却吃了闭门羹。
- He scoffs at the difficulty. 他对困难付诸一笑。
- He scoffs at poor officials and simultaneously, he risk any price to plead the powerful people to become an official, protecting his business, which shows he possesses both confidence and humility. 他一方面以自己的富有嘲笑寒酸的官员,一方面又不计代价攀附权贵,由商而官,以官护商,体现出自信与自卑交织的心理;
- The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal. 瞬刻的喧声,讥笑着永恒的音乐。
- He scoffs an advice given by his elders. 他对长辈的劝告总是冷嘲热讽。
- He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. 那坐在天上的必发笑。主必嗤笑他们。
- When she later told him what she had expected, he scoffed at her fears and said she should have done what she wanted from the start if she felt that strongly about it. 后来她告诉他,她的预想中的事,他嘲笑她的担心,并表示她应该从一开始就按她的方式做,如果她是有如此强烈的感觉的话。
- The scientist sneered at religion and was arrested. 这位科学家嘲弄宗教被捕了。
- Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year? 他们为什么嘲笑他将在明年退休的想法?
- Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year?. 他们为什么嘲笑他将在明年退休的想法?.