- He say he needed it. 他说他需要这块表。
- He said he needed it to pay off some debts and that he would return the money next week. 他说他需要那笔钱还债,而且他说下星期就会把钱还回去。
- He said he needed it. 他说他需要这块表。
- Even though he might never be able to repay me, I decided to stake the poor fellow to the money he said he needed. 即使他可能永远无法偿还,我们还是决定借给这个可怜的人需要的那笔钱。
- We were friends and he said he needed a lodger for the extra money. 我们是朋友,并且他告诉我他需要一个合租者来得到额外的报酬。
- He says he needs some space Should I watch his steps closely? 他说他需要独处空间我是否应该近距离地留心他的行踪?
- Zupan said he might sell it if he needed the money. 祖彭先生说如果实在是需要钱他会将车出售。
- He said he only did it for a lark. 他说他只是闹着玩的。
- She say he need not wait for her. 她说他不必等她。
- However, that same client later sent a case, saying he needed it back in the middle of Dyer's vacation week. 然而,那个客户又送了一份Case,并且要求Dyer在假期中完成。
- We said we were almost done the market prediction report but our manager only thought that time is money and said he needed it to-day. 经理急着要市场预测报告,我们说马上可以完成,他还是希望今天看到。
- He says he did it, but he's covering up for a friend. 他说事情是他干的,但实际上他是在包庇一个朋友。
- Even though he might never be able to repay me,I decided to stake the poor fellow to the money he said he needed. 即使他可能永远无法偿还,我们还是决定借给这个可怜的人需要的那笔钱。
- He says he won't go, but I say he shall. 他说他不去,但我说他必须去。
- Daddy says he needs it as his office, but we're pretty sure we'll be able to talk him around soon. 老爸说他需要用那间作办公室,但我们非常肯定我们可以劝他改变主意。
- He said he needed to decied whether an interview would be applicable and if so, he could then make an approximate time to see her. 他不赞成她的方式并告诉她如果他打算任命某人,必须先有书面申请。
- He said he used this system in the year dot. 他说他很久以前用过这个系统。
- He said he wanted his son to fly right. 他说他希望他儿子做个正派的人。
- He said he would drop her like a hot potato. 他说他会把她像烫手的东西一样迫不及待地扔掉。
- He said he would stand in for me any time. 他说他随时都愿意来代替我。