- He prepares a second shot. 他准备好发射第二击。
- He gave me a second shot of penicillin. 他又给我打了一针青霉素。
- He gave me a second shot of penicillin . 我应当让他给我打一针青霉素。
- He prepared a hearty dinner for us. 他为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚餐。
- Boggs fell back as a second shot was heard. 第二枪枪响时鲍格斯倒了下去。
- A second shot accidentally killed Rollins. 麦莱夫林开的第二枪却意外杀死了罗林斯。
- He prepared a basin of hot water to wash his face. 他准备了一盆热水洗脸。
- Finally, as light grew dim, he had to finish off the bear with a second shot. 后来天色渐渐昏暗,他只好再开一枪把熊打死。
- He prepared a diet for the undernourished mother and examined the baby. 他给营养不良的母亲规定了饮食,又检查了婴儿。
- He prepared a pyre, lit it and asked Holika to sit on it, clutching Prahlad. 他准备了柴火,点燃后,要求霍利嘉坐上去,并且紧紧抱住普拉拉德。
- Cartwright also said that if an initial shootdown attempt fails, a decision will be made whether to take a second shot. 卡特莱特还说,如果第一次撞击失败了,有可能还会考虑第二次。
- Sometimes, when he prepares a parliamentary speech, Churchill's creative flow is blocked. 有时,邱吉尔在准备议会演讲时,思路会顿遭堵塞。
- He was elected to a second presidency. 他获选连任总统。
- He prepares to go mad with fixed rule and method. 他准备对死板的规则与方式大闹一番。
- A shot is made with one polymer, and a second shot with a second polymer can be used to surround or surface the part made in the first shot. 第一次注射第一种聚合物,第二次用第二种聚合物注射,第二次注射的聚合物能用来包围或形成第一次注射成的部件的表面。
- One who prepares a nuclear weapon for release. 核武器专家为核武器发射做准备的人
- He bought a second hand bike good for 80 yuan. 他买了一辆值80元的二手自行车。
- Just minutes before liftoff, a boat drifts into the restricted area offshore, its pilot asleep at the wheel.The controllers abort and try for a second shot, at 12:37 A.M. 在升空前几分钟,一艘船艇漂到海面限制区内,原来是船驾驶在方向舵上睡著了,控制人员宣布放弃这次升空,改到午夜12点37分再试第二次。
- After seeing the intruders loading his farm bike on to their trailer, Mr McIntyre fired a warning shot and then aimed a second shot at the rear tyre of the fleeing vehicle. 发现那伙人正将他的牧用车搬到他们的拖车时,先开一枪示警,再朝已经开出的汽车后轮开了第二枪。
- He will admit to His Mercy whom He will; But the wrong-doers,- for them has He prepared a grievous Penalty. 他使他所意欲的人,入在他的慈恩中。至于不义的人们,他已为他们预备了痛苦的刑罚。