- He peppered food. 他在食物上撒胡椒粉。
- He peppered the ball across the green. 他一下子把球猛击过草地。
- He peppered the wild ducks with bird shot. 他用鸟枪向野鸭子射击。
- He peppered his speech with jokes. 他在讲演中插入了许多笑话。
- He peppered me with questions about my condition and prognosis. 他问了我好多健康方面的问题。
- He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food. 他吃油腻东西太多,胃很难受。
- He eats only bland food because of his ulcer. 他患溃疡,只能吃无刺激性的食物。
- He burned his tongue with red pepper. 他的舌头被红辣椒辣得好难受。
- He put some food into the ice chest. 他把一些食物放进冰箱里。
- He peppered the soup. 他在汤里加了辣椒粉。
- He peppers local officials with meticulously detailed e-mails about pollution incidents. 他向地方官员就有关污染事件的事撒出严密详细的电子邮件。
- For forty hours he had not tasted food. 他已40个钟头没吃东酉了。
- He says the food isn't hot enough, if you please! 他竟然说吃的东西不够热,你听听这话。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。