- He penetrated their thoughts. 他了解他们的想法。
- He penetrated their thoughts . 他看穿了他们的心思。
- He penetrated their designs. 他看穿了他们的企图。
- The rain penetrated their clothing. 他们的衣服给大雨打得湿透了。
- Cares do still their thoughts molest, and still the unhappy poet's breast. 烦忧仍然困扰诗人的思绪,诗人郁闷的胸膛。
- Their actions reflect their thoughts. 他们的行动反映了他们的思想。
- They were preoccupied with their thoughts. 他们各个心事重重。
- Their actions clearly reflect their thoughts. 他们的行动清楚地反映了他们的思想。
- Their actions reflect their thoughts . 他们的行动反映了他们的思想。
- Their eyes mirrored their thoughts. 他们的眼神映出他们的内心思想。
- Their thoughts were only of cakes and ale. 他们想的只是生活享受,吃喝玩乐。
- They found a breach in the enemy's fortifications and penetrated their lines. 他们在敌人的防线上找到了一个缺口,并从这里突破敌人的阵地。
- Their thoughts are a tangle of unexamined impulses. 他们的想法是没有条理一团乱麻。
- What important thing did King Alfred learn when he penetrated the Danish camp of Guthrum? 国王潜入丹麦入侵司令官古瑟罗姆的营地时发现什么重要的情况?
- Their thoughts are not fish thoughts.They think about.The death of the forest.And they sound sad.Intelligent. 它们和鱼的思想不一样。它们思考的是。森林的死亡。并且听起来很悲伤。他们很聪明。
- Apparently the men had fallen asleep before the frigid chill had finally penetrated their coverings. 很明显,在严寒最后穿透这些人身上的覆盖物之前,他们已经睡着了。
- At that moment, all their thoughts were concentrated on themselves. 此时大家都在想着各自的心事。
- But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages. 不过雨水无法渗透过他们的茅草房。
- The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. 行动是思想的最好诠释者。
- Any one who did not know Javert, and who had chanced to see him at the moment when he penetrated the antechamber of the infirmary, could have divined nothing of what had taken place, and would have thought his air the most ordinary in the world. 假使有个不曾见过沙威的人,当时看见他走进那疗养室的前房,这人一定猜想不到发生了什么事,并且还会认为他那神气是世上最平常的。