- You must overcome all difficulties; defeat your enemies; He overcame his shyness; She conquered here fear of mice; He overcame his infirmity. 你必须战胜所有困难;战胜敌人;他战胜了自己的羞怯。
- You must overcome all difficulties; defeat your enemies; He overcame his shyness; She conquered here fear of mice; He overcame his infirmity. 你必须战胜所有困难;战胜敌人;他战胜了自己的羞怯;她战胜了对老鼠的恐惧;他克服了懦弱。
- He overcame his shyness. 他克服了自己的羞怯。
- He overcame his bad habits by sheer force of will. 他全凭毅力改掉了坏习惯.
- He overcame his fear of the dark. 他克服了对黑暗的恐惧。
- Gradually,however,with his better powers of thinking,he overcame his fear. 然而,逐渐地人类用较强的思维能力战胜了恐惧。
- Gradually, however, with his better powers of thinking, he overcame his fear. 然而,逐渐地人类用较强的思维能力战胜了恐惧。
- He overcomes his bad habit by sheer force of will. 他全凭毅力改掉了坏习惯。
- He overcomes a stout enemy who overcome his own anger. 制怒等于制强敌。
- It describes his mental suffering until he overcomes his fears. 也描述了他内心挣扎直到他克服自己内心的恐惧。
- His shyness made public speaking a torment to him. 他很腼腆,当众讲话简直是受罪。
- He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer. 他克服了许多困难成为一名律师。
- His shyness got the better of him, ie He was overcome by shyness. 他羞得无地自容.
- He overcame a strong temptation to run away. 他抵制了要逃跑的强烈诱惑。
- He has made up his mind to overcame his shortness. 他已下定决心克服他自己的缺点.
- You may set his silence down to his shyness. 你可以把他的沉默归因于羞怯。
- He has made up his mind to overcame his faults. 他已下定决心克服他自己的缺点.
- If he overcome his physical force, others will consider him as their great gulf fixed. 克服体力上的不足,他将是别人无法逾越的鸿沟。
- He overcame many personal adversities. 他克服了多次个人不幸。
- His shyness made public speaking a tormentto him. 他很腼腆,当众讲话简直是受罪。