- He outlived all his children. 他活得比他所有的孩子还久。
- He outlived all his brothers an sisters. 他比他的兄弟姐妹都活得长。
- He put all his children through boarding-school. 他把孩子都送进了寄宿学校。
- He equipped all his children with a good education. 他使所有的子女都受到良好的教育。
- He put all his children through college. 他把子女都送进了大学。
- He has conveyed all his property to his children. 他已将其全部财产转让给他的儿女。
- All his children take turns in looking after him. 他的孩子们轮流照顾他。
- Li Lei is the hardest of all his children. 在所有孩子中,李雷最努力。
- All his children are well brought up. 他家的孩子都很有教养。
- He outlived his wife by three years. 他比妻子多活了三年。
- God has work for all His children, regardless of age or ability. 无论年龄和能力如何,上帝总有事情让你去做。
- My brother spends all his time filming his children with his video camera. 我哥哥把所有的时间都花在给他的小孩摄影上。
- He outlived his son by four years. 他比儿子多活了4年。
- He has outdone all his rivals in skill. 他在技巧方面胜过所有的对手。
- He ceded his stock holdings to his children. 他将股票让给了他的子女。
- Wang always did all his work carefully, so his children did their schoolwork carefully. 王先生工作起来一丝不苟,因此他的孩子们学习也很认真仔细。
- In his will he created trusts for his children. 他在遗嘱里为子女安排好了信托财产。
- He lost all his wealth all at one swoop. 他一下子失去了所有的财产。
- He had been writing books against religion and had brought up all his children to be atheists. 他写了多本反对宗教信仰的书,并把他的所有孩子培养成无神论者。
- He put all his redundancy money into a shop. 他把所有剩余资金都投入了一家商店。