- He narrowly escaped drowning. 他差一点淹死。
- He narrowly escaped being drown. 他侥幸逃脱未被淹死。
- The child narrowly escaped drowning. 小孩险些被溺死。
- He narrowly escaped being hurt in the accident. 他在意外事件中差一点受伤。
- During these journeys he caught malaria, was arrested for spying, narrowly escaped drowning and survived a plane crash. 在这途中,他得过疟疾,也因间谍罪被捕,差点淹死,还从一次坠机事故中逃生。
- He narrowly escaped in the air crash. 他险些在飞机失事中遇难。
- He narrowly escaped being killed. 他险些丧命。
- He narrowly escaped being caught. 他险些被抓住。
- He narrowly escaped being drowned. 他差一点淹死。
- He narrowly escaped being run over. 他差点儿被车压死。
- He narrowly escaped drowning 他差点儿淹死
- His health had been poor since he narrowly escaped a stroke at Paris. 自从他在巴黎感染严重流行性感冒以来,他的健康一直不佳。
- He narrowly escaped death. 他九死一生。
- He'd narrowly escaped being thrown into a Bahamian jail. 他侥幸躲过了被扔进巴哈马监狱。
- The boy narrowly escaped being drowned. 那个男孩差一点被淹死。
- He narrowly missed being run over by a car. 他差点儿被汽车压死。
- Jane narrowly escaped being scolded by the boss. 简差一点就挨老板骂了。
- She described how she narrowly escaped death. 她描写了她如何死里逃生。
- Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao narrowly escaped. 康有为和梁启超侥幸逃脱。
- I congratulated myself on my narrow escape. 我庆祝自己死里逃生。