- The new teacher make a good impression on the student. 新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。
- My anxiety to make a good impression. 我渴望给人以良好印象
- He made a good shot at the exam. 他猜中了试题。
- He made a good impression. 他给我们留下了很深刻的印象。
- The young man made a good impression on them. 这个年轻人给他们留下了好印象。
- She made a good impression on his mother. 她给他母亲留下了很好的印象。
- Say, how do you make a good impression on somebody when you first meet? 我问你,你初见某人,如何才能给对方留下个好印象?
- You will make a good impression. 金牛座:能留下好印象。
- He made a good appearance at the ball. 他在舞会上显得仪表堂堂。
- How do I make a good impression in the interview? 在面试时怎样才能留下好印象呢?
- He made a good fist of his novel. 他的小说写得很成功。
- John made a good impression on everyone he never put a foot wrong. 约翰给大家留下了很好的印象,他十分精明。
- He made a good thing of the transaction. 他从这笔交易中赚了大笔钱。
- He made a good adaptation to his new class. 他在新班级中适应得很好。
- The new teacher made a good impression on the students. 新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。
- He made a good showing in the finals. 他在决赛时表现良好。
- He has told me his plan and he's made a good impression on me. 他已把他的计划告诉了我,他给我留下了很好的印象。
- He made a good thing of his spare-time hobbies. 他从业余爱好中得益不少。
- He made a fortune by discovering a good mine. 他发现了一个金矿,发了大财。
- But what makes a good impression? 但是怎样才能产生好印象呢?