- He kind of likes bragging. 他有点喜欢吹牛。
- "Kind of like an odometer flipping over," he said. “有点像里程表翻转了, ”他说。
- Kind of like a scrapbook you can keep warm with. 一种像粘贴簿一样的东西.;你可以用它来保暖
- OK, in fact I kind of like the last pound. 实际上我非常舍不得这最后一磅,好不?
- "It is kind of like a bouncer," Wender said. Wender说:“它的作用有点和保镖类似。
- Leehom: You mean the girl that looks kind of like Julia Roberts? 力宏:你是说那个长得有点儿像朱丽娅·罗伯茨的女孩?
- When I finally did find out,it was kind of like,'No way!Really? 当我最终认定时,确实有点象,‘不行,真的?
- "It is unscripted.It is kind of like a reality show. 这是未经加工的,就同现实中的表演一样。
- He is not the kind of man I'd like to serve under. 我不喜欢在他这种人手下干事。
- I kind of liked it your way, how you shyly placed your eyes on me. 我有些喜欢你的方式,你羞涩的看我的眼神,
- There was this one guy--he kind of touched my butt, but after I maced him, he totally got meon the right train. 有个人-- 本来是要摸我屁股 但我。凶了他一顿 他就把我送上了回来的车子。
- I kind of liked it your way that you shyly placed your eyes on me. 我总是喜欢你那看着我的害羞的眼神。
- He kind of strong and rigid, gentle and considerate personality deeply attracted me. 他那种坚强刚硬,温柔而体贴的的性格深深的吸引了我。
- He kind of regrets getting married after the death of his first wife, as his second wife is quite fierce. 他续娶的妻子很凶悍,他有点后悔。
- I was kind of like the enemy then because I was playing at Hampton. 我是那么样的敌人,因为我喜欢玩汉普顿。
- As achild pf Gpd.prayer is kind of like calling home everyday. 忧虑是因为你不祷告;祷告了就不再忧虑.
- He is that kind of fellow who must be given hell. 他就是那种人,非得狠狠教训一顿才行。
- He's a kind of intellectual superman. 他是智力超常的人。
- Sylvester look kind of like one of the aliens from the "Aliens" movies. 西尔维斯特的长相酷似《异形》电影中的怪物。
- To win your second Grand Slam title,it's kind of like the cherry on the cake. 要赢得你的第二个大满贯头衔,简直就像是蛋糕上的樱桃(一样很明显)。