- He kept shtooming. 他一直沉默不语。
- He kept turning up like a bad penny at every party. 没有哪次晚会见不到他,真令人讨厌。
- He kept to the house during his convalescence. 在养病期间,他呆在家里不出门。
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- He kept aloof and did not give us a hand. 他站得远远地,没有来帮助我们。
- He kept a lock of her hair as a memento. 他保留着她的一束头发作纪念。
- He kept battering (away) at the door. 他接连不断地砸门。
- He kept in touch with his manager. 他与经理保持联系。
- He kept a rabbit in a wooden box. 他把兔子养在木箱子里。
- He kept calm amid all these excitements. 他在这些使人激动的事件中保持镇静。
- He kept count of the meteors till midnight. 他数流星一直数到半夜。
- He kept chiming in with his own opinions. 他不断插话发表意见。
- He kept his pipe clamped between his teeth. 他一直叼著烟斗。
- He kept on barging about until I told him to stop. 他总是到处乱闯,直到我叫他停才停了下来。
- He kept rattling away in French. 他喋喋不休地用法语讲话。
- He kept drinking till he got a bun on. 他不停地喝酒,一直到醉。
- He kept his house in tip-top shape. 他把房子保养得呱呱叫。
- He kept me at bay with a long knife. 他用一把长刀阻止我接近。
- He kept his illness secret from his parents. 他没有告诉他父母他生病的事。
- He keeps bobbing up in the most unlikely places. 他总是在极不可能出现的地方突然出现。