- He is hard working and able,but no genius. 他勤奋、 能干, 但决非天才。
- He is hard-working and able, but no genius. 他勤奋、 能干; 但决非天才.
- He is no more a genius than I am. 我个是天才,他也不见得是天才。
- He is no longer within the pale of noble society. 他不再是贵族社会的一员了。
- He is no less clever than his elder brother. 他和他的大哥一样聪明。
- He is no more able to speak English than I am. 和我不会说英语一样,他也不会说英语。
- He is no great shakes at his new work. 他做这新工作不太行。
- He is no less a person than a minister. 他的身分不亚于部长。
- He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet. 他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。
- He is no more considerate of others than his brother is. 他不体谅别人,就跟他弟弟一样。
- He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. 他应该勇于正视自己不再年轻这一事实。
- Fred has plenty of girl friends, although he is no oil painting. 尽管弗雷其貌不扬,可他有许多女朋友。
- He is no idiot; he has cut his eyeteeth. 他才不傻呢,他已经学乖了。
- He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. 不能支持双方者,非律师也。
- Shiraz: He is no match for our president. 他不配做我们总裁的对手。
- He is no one other than the missing child. 他正是失踪的那个男孩。
- There is no knowing what he is doing. 无法知道他在做什么。
- He is no better no more good at English than I am. 他的英文不好,就像我一样。
- There is no doubt that he is the thief. 他毫无疑问就是小偷。
- John shines at tennis,but he is no good at golf. 约翰打网球很出色,但高尔夫球打得不好。