- As a scholar, he is far above me. 他作为一名学者,比我高明得多。
- He is far away from home and wife and children. 他远离家乡、妻子和儿女。
- He is stupid; what is far worse, he does not study. 他很笨; 更糟的是,他又不念书。
- He is far ahead of his class in English . 他的英语在班里远远超过其他人。
- He is far and away the best actor I've seen. 他无疑是我见到过的最好的演员。
- He is far and away the greatest poet living. 他是目前最最伟大的诗人。
- He is far too qualified for such a menial position. 他做那样卑贱的工作,未免太可惜了。
- He is far too busy to deal with trifles. 他太忙碌,无暇处理琐碎事情。
- He is far from easy in his thoughts. 他心里远说不上踏实。
- He is far from (being) an excellent student. 他谈不上是个优等生。
- He is far from being an excellent student. 他谈不上是个优等生。
- He is far in advance of his class. 他在班上是尖子。
- He is far ahead of his class in English. 他的英语远胜于班上的其他同学。
- He is far too honourable ever to break an engagement. 他很正派,从不违约。
- I think he is far too qualified for such a menial position. 我觉得让他来做这样低贱的工作实在是太可惜了。
- He is far and away the best player on our tennis team. 他是我们网球队里打得最好的选手。
- Her husband is far from (being) handsome; he is somewhat ugly. "她丈夫谈不上英俊,有点丑。"
- "He is far abler than I and fully equal to the task of ruling. “他远比我有能力并且完全能胜任治理国家的任务。
- He is cherishing the memory of an absent friend who is far away. 他怀念着一位远方的友人。
- He is going to go out and raise hob. 他今晚要出去纵情狂欢了。