- We all can tell he is blind as a bat, but he won't wear glasses. 我们都知道他眼睛看不清楚,可他却不想戴眼镜。
- Without his spectacles, he is as blind as a bat. 没有眼镜,他是几乎全盲的。
- He is as blind as a bat without his glasses. 他不戴眼镜时跟蝙蝠一样盲眼,看不清任何东西。
- He is blind to her bad behavior. 他对她的不良行为视而不见。
- He is swearing in as a privy councillor. 他作为枢密院官员宣誓就职。
- He is blind to his own mistakes. 他看不见自己的错误。
- He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。
- He is known both as a painter and as a statesman. 他是知名的画家及政治家。
- He is known as a successful architect. 他以成功的建筑师闻名。
- He is not so much a genius as a hard worker. 他的努力胜于天分。
- As a dancer, he is second to none. 他的舞艺无出其右。
- He is blind to the probable results of his behavior. 他无法了解他的行为可能带来什么后果。
- As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion. 作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。
- He is not so much a player as a coach. 与其说他是个队员,不如说他是个教练。
- He is blind to the effect of his actions. 他不了解他的行为可能带来的后果。
- I think that, as a writer, he is second to none. 我认为,作为一个作家,他是最好的。
- He is regarded as a literary lion. 他被认为是文学名士。
- He is blind to the beauties of nature. 他不能欣赏自然之美。
- He is over the hill as a professional athlete. 作为职业运动员,他已在走下坡路了。
- My best friend Todd cannot see;he is blind. 我的好朋友陶德看不见;他是个瞎子。