- He is adept at fixing radio sets. 他擅长修理收音机。
- He is adept at fixing radio set. 他擅长修理收音机。
- He is adept at organization work. 他精于组织工作。
- He is adept at cooking dishes with rice tofu. 他最善于用米豆腐作为原料烹调菜肴了。
- He is adept at adopting unusually clever stratagems, he is a real talent. 他善用奇计,是个不可多得的人才。
- His calligraphy attainments are extremely deep and he is adept at the Cao script. 其作品《品茶图》,《陆羽论茶》,《清品图》,在国内外美展中多次获大奖。
- He is adept in getting himself out of difficult situations . 他善于使自己摆脱困境。
- He is adept in the operation of all the machines in the factory. 他精通于工厂里所有机器的操作。
- As much as you may dislike him, you've got to admit, he is very adept at the art of potion brewing. 不管多不喜欢他,你得承认,制作魔药他可是技艺精湛。
- Adept at trickery, he is capable of reading minds and conjuring energy in numerous forms. 一开始巫师兽从魔杖发出蓝色的闪电,但不同的巫师兽发挥出的效果不同。
- He is equally adept at playing in others, fashioning chances for himself and getting on the end of team moves. 他同样精于创造机会和把握机会。
- He is very skilled at pivoting on his heel. 他能非常熟练地以脚跟旋转。
- He is all on edge to have a look at it. 他急于想看一看那个东西。
- He is determined to stay in the saddle at all cost. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- He is quick at spying the faults of others. 他敏于发现别人的错误。
- He is to stand for York at the next election. 他将在下届选举中做约克郡选区的候选人。
- He is at home with this subject. 他熟悉这一学科。
- He is slashing wildly at his opponent with a sword. 他正用剑疯狂地朝对手乱砍。