- He hit a big jackpot. 他偶然中了头奖。
- Thanks to a few nickels put into a slot machine, this North Dakota man is nearly 3 million dollars richer.He hit a big jackpot. 仅仅向老虎机中投入了少量5分硬币,这位北达科地人几乎就变成了拥有300万美元的富人,他赢得了巨额奖金。
- He hit a stock jackpot last year. 去年他炒股大发了一笔
- He hit a big jackpot.He plans to build a new ice fishing house and pay off some debts. 而后他做了个大赌注,计划建造一座冰渔屋来还清部分债务。
- He aimed at a bird,but he hit a rabbit. 他瞄准一只鸟,但射中了一只兔子。
- He hit a magnificent shot with a nine iron. 他用九号铁头球棒打出了漂亮的一击。
- The boy riding on the bicycle hit a big tree and was all black and blue. 骑自行车的男孩撞到大树而身上伤痕斑斑。
- He hit a stationary object by the side of the road. 他撞了路边一个静止的物体。
- He aimed at a bird, but he hit a rabbit. 他瞄准一只鸟,但射中了一只兔子。
- He hit a liner toward left field. 他朝左场打出了一个直线球。
- The game ended [when he hit a homerun]. 比赛在他击出全垒打时结束。
- A bij biack bug hit a big biack car. 一只大黑臭虫撞到了一辆黑轿车。
- The teacher really read him the Riot Act when he hit a ball through the window and broke it. 在他把球打进窗子并打破了玻璃以后,老师狠狠地训斥了他一顿。
- Right. And you'll hit a big intersection. 对,你会到达一个很大的十字路口。
- He hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning. 他在九局下半击出一支全垒打。
- Mike's first try. He hit a rock with his front wheel and crashed onto me. 蝙蝠的第一次尝试,结果前轮撞到了石头,摔到了我身上。
- Boy riding on the bicycle hit a big tree and was all black and blue. 骑自行车的男孩撞到大树而身上伤痕斑斑。
- He hit a bad patch this year, having two operations in three months. 今年他可倒霉了,三个月开了两次刀。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- He hit a bad frustration this year, having two operations in three months. 今年他可倒霉了,三个月做了两次手术。