- He has a long head on many matters. 他在许多事情上极有远见。
- He has a new row to hoe,a long and rough one. 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
- He has a long lay-off over the winter. 他遭到长达一个冬天的解雇。
- He has a long scar across his cheek. 他面颊上有一道长疤.
- He had a long bout of illness last year. 他去年生了一场拖了很久的病。
- He had a long, rather horsy face. 他的脸很长,有点像马的脸。
- He has a new row to hoe, a long and rough one. 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
- He has a long record of diplomatic service. 他的外交工作资历很深。
- He had a long talk with me yesterday. 他昨天和我谈了很长时间。
- He had a long, thin body and the scholar's stoop. 他身材瘦长并且象学者一样弯腰驼背。
- He had a long chat with the doctor last night. 昨晚他和医生聊了很长时间。
- He had a long head, he should do well in business. 他很精明,做买卖应该是一把好手。
- He had a long,rather horsy face. 他的脸很长;有点像马的脸.
- He had a long talk with me yesterday . 他昨天和我谈了很长时间。
- He had had a long and uncomfortable trip . 他已经度过了一个漫长且不舒服的旅行。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- He had a long, thin body and the scholar's stoop . 他身材瘦长并且象学者一样弯腰驼背。
- He has settled here for a long span of time. 他已经在这儿定居很长一段时间了。
- He has a longer reach than I have,so he can climb better. 他的手臂比我长,所以他爬得比我快。
- He looks shrewd and gloomy. I'm still glad he has a long hair. 这样的他看去城府深、阴沈。但我还是喜欢他留长发。