- He had his purse stolen by a pickpocket. 他的钱包被掏了。
- He had his money stolen on the bus yesterday. 他昨天在公共汽车上钱被人偷走了。
- He had left his wallet on the table, so I went after him. 他把钱包忘在桌子上了, 所以我追去找他。
- He had his leg shot off in a battle. 在一次战斗中,他的一条腿给打断了。
- So it was that he had his first sight of snow. 就那样,他第一次见到了雪。
- He had his fruit stolen before he had a chance to pick it. 他树上的果子还没来得及摘,就被人偷走了。
- He had his left arm injured trying to save a comrade. 他在援救一个同志时左臂受了伤。
- He had his pocket picked,ie Something was stolen from his pocket. 他的口袋被掏了(衣袋中有东西被窃)。
- He had his head down as he walked out of the court. 他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋。
- He had his head turned by a concert of praise. 他因受到异口同声的赞颂而忘乎所以。
- He had his arm lopped off by an electric saw. 他让电锯锯掉了一只胳膊。
- He had his pocket picked, ie Something was stolen from his pocket. 他的口袋被掏了(衣袋中有东西被窃).
- When he came to pay for his dinner he was taken aback to find that he had left his wallet at home. 他要付饭钱时,却发现钱包丢在家里了,不禁大吃一惊。
- He have his clothes make to measure. 他的衣服是依尺寸定做的。
- He seems to be in easy circumstances since he had his pay increase. 自从他提薪后,他的日子似乎好过些了。
- He had his appendix removed last month because of appendicitis. 上个月他因患阑尾炎而切除了阑尾。
- He had his driving license revoked. 他被吊销了驾驶执照。
- He had his tennis racket strung. 他将网球拍的弦装好了。
- He has his faults, but, all in all, he is a good helper. 他虽有缺点,但总的说来,他是一个好帮手。
- Peter's father is an attorney. He has his own practice. 彼得的父亲是律师。他自己开业。