- He grunted his apology. 他咕噜地道歉。
- The sullen boy grunted his apology. 那发着脾气的男孩咕哝着赔不是。
- He grunted his reluctant approval. 他咕哝出他的勉强的赞成。
- He grunted (out) his apology. 他咕噜地道歉。
- He grunted as the bullet hit him. 子弹击中他时他疼得哼了出来。
- At home he grunted "Eh?" across the newspaper to his commentary wife. 在家里,他妻子发表议论时,他没有放下手中的报纸,只是敷衍说:“呃?”
- He asked leave of the mayor to extend his apology to the press. 他请求市长允许他向新闻界道歉。
- I am preinclined to accept his apology. 我事先已有意接受他的道歉。
- Certainly I do not come now to make his apology. 我现在当然不是来为他辩解。
- He grunted something about being late and rushed out. 他嘟哝着说要迟到了便匆匆跑了出去。
- Mary was preinclined to accept his apology. 玛丽已有接受他道歉的准备。
- Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy. 也许在提重物之时,会发出猪一样呼噜呼噜的声响。
- He grunted, rose up off his seat, shifted his weight onto the pedals, and was on his way. 他咕哝着站起身,坐到三轮车座垫上,就上路了。
- He grunted in his sleep, as if he knew she was doing this, but still did not make a move to awaken. 他在睡梦中噜苏了什么,好像他知道她正在做什么似的,但他并仍没要醒来的样子。
- He babbled his apologies in a hurry. 他匆忙地用含糊的语调表示道歉。
- It was obvious that his apology was made with bad grace. 很明显他的道歉是勉强作出的。
- He tried to shape his apology, for he had no intention of letting her see that he was nervous. 他盘算着赔小心要怎样一个措辞,原因是他不打算让她看出自己心虚。
- When he had finished the last drop, he grunted and walked sleepily into the box. 它喝完最后一滴后,哼哼着,懒洋洋地走进了箱子。
- After a serious thought, Han Jie decides to see Han Xing to offer his apology. 经过一番思考,汉杰想通了,他决定去向汉星道歉。
- He grunted, but still held onto the gun, trying to swing it around to get the muzzle against me. 他闷哼了一声,但是仍然保住了枪,试着在摇摆它想用枪口对着我。