- He groaned out a sad story . 他呻吟着说出一个悲惨的故事。
- He groaned out a sad story. 他叹息着讲述了一个悲惨的故事。
- She groaned out a sad story. 她呻吟地叙述了一段伤心的故事。
- He groaned out a story of how his friend had been killed . 他呻吟着说出了他的朋友是怎么被杀的故事。
- He groaned out a story of how his friend had been killed. 他呻吟着说出了他的朋友是怎么被杀的故事。
- Groan out a sad story 一边呻吟一边讲一件伤心事
- The old woman groaned out her sad story. 那个老妇人呻吟地说出她的悲惨故事。
- Wanna be a sad story on the late-night news. 想要一个发生在深夜的悲伤的故事。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- But this is a sad story because both the pig and the grandad are dying. 以前读中国历史,曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠,都不过是一堆人名而已,唯有读过高阳,每个人物均变得有血有肉,跃然纸上。
- He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless. 他贫病交加,处境十分困难。
- He found himself in a sad pickle. 他发现自己已处于困境。
- He rapped out a series of curt commands. 他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。
- He sobbed out the whole sad story. 他哽咽着叙说这个悲惨的故事。
- Teru works at the laundry and meets Mizue who intends leaving behind a dress with a sad story. 看守洗衣店的智障青年阿照,因一件沾污了的衣物结识了水绘。
- The dying woman groaned out her last words. 垂死的女人呻吟着说出了她临终的话。
- He opened the drawer and took out a bulldog. 他打开抽屉拿出了一把左轮手枪。
- You remember the tragedy involving Abraham, Sarah and Hagar and later Ishmael.It is a sad story. 我们知道,来悲剧便是在亚伯拉罕和撒拉、夏甲及以实玛利之间发生。
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- He dived into his pocket and fished out a penny. 他把手入囗袋中,掏出一便士。