- He goes abroad every year. 他每年都到国外去。
- Mr. and Mrs. Pitt go abroad every year. 皮特先生和夫人每年都去国外。
- He go abroad last month, and so do Mary. 他上月出国了,玛丽也上月出国了。
- He goes to Scotland every year to shoot wild duck. 他每年到苏格兰打野鸭。
- He goes to drink the waters every year. 他每年都去矿泉胜地疗养。
- Every year many students go abroad to further their education. 每年都有许多学生出国留学。
- He sacrifice his car when he go abroad to work. 他到海外去工作的时候亏本出售了他的汽车。
- He went abroad to study as a scholar. 他作为奖学金获得者赴外学习。
- He sacrificed his car when he went abroad to work. 他到海外去工作的时候亏本出售了他的汽车。
- He went abroad with his parents' benediction. 他带著父母的祝福出国去了。
- He go abroad last month,and so do Mary. 他上月出国了,玛丽也上月出国了。
- While many Chinese seek to go abroad, millions of foreigners come to China every year. 许多中国人向往出国,而每年有数以百万计的外国人来到中国。
- He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen. 他去国外向异教徒宣传基督教。
- He always carries this portmanteau with him when he goes abroad. 出国时他总是带着这个旅行箱。
- He discharged all his debts before he went abroad. 他出国前还清了所有债务。
- This saying is no exaggeration about (he scenic beauty of the two historic cities near Shanghai, which attract millions of tourists from home and abroad every year. 这句话毫无夸张之意,苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。
- He went abroad at his own expense. 他自费出国。
- He went abroad because he landed a scholarship. 他拿到了奖学金,所以就出国了。
- He went abroad last month,and so did Mary. 他上月出国了,玛丽也上月出国了。
- We have not heard from him since he went abroad. 他出国以来我们没有听到他的音讯。